When I try to "scale" the recipe, Shop'NCook Mobile Kitchen app tells me that I need to install the latest version of the software. What should I do to fix this problem?
You have probably synchronized your cookbooks with an old version of Shop'NCook Menu software. You need to download the latest version of Shop'NCook Menu from
The older versions of the software did not include in the recipes all the information that the app need to correctly scale the recipes. To fix the problem, you need to remove your recipes from the synchronization server and and upload them again.
To do that, proceed as follows:
1. Download and instal the latest versino of Shop'NCook Menu software.
2. Open the synchronization options from the Sync menu, click on the "Unsynchronize" buttons next to all the cookbooks, click Done.
3. Synchronize once. This will remove the recipes from all your cookbooks from the server.
4. Open then the synchronization options again, add back the cookbooks. Don't forget to click on the "Synchronize" button next to each cookbooks, click Done.
5. Synchronize again to upload again all your recipes.
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